100 Mile Challenge
July 2024
Registration fee: £100
To register, please get in contact at info@challengeaid.org

This July ChallengeAid will be holding its annual ‘100 mile challenge’.
The concept is simple… walk or run a total of 100 miles during the month of July. This can be done over in whatever format you like – 10 miles per day for 10 days of 3.3 miles per day over the month.
The aim is to get us outside and exercising and we are also asking each participator to try and raise £100 each. This is what it costs to maintain 10 children in a School of Hope for a whole year!
For more info, or if you would like to get involved / or know someone that would then please do get in contact! Either via our social media channels or by emailing us at info@challengeaid.org
Hopefully speak to you soon!!