Donate to ChallengeAid
You can make a real difference by supporting ChallengeAid’s work.
Click here to make an online donation
Where does your money go?
Our pledge is that no donations or any of the money raised from sponsored physical activity is used for admin purposes
We take pride in our commitment to transparency and accountability. Rest assured, every penny raised through sponsored exercise and challenges is dedicated solely to our cause. Administrative expenses are covered by separate funding, ensuring your contributions have a direct and meaningful impact. Moreover, as we organise most of our challenges in-house, our costs are significantly lower than those of for-profit companies working on behalf of other charities.
Other ways to support our work
Take on a Challenge >
Attend an Event >
How does your money help?
Cheque donation
If you would like to make a donation by cheque, please make it payable to ChallengeAid.
Send both the cheque and declaration form to:
1 Kings Road
SA20 0AW
Direct Bank Transfer
Please add a reference to help identify your payment/donation
- ChallengeAid
- Coutts Bank
- Sort Code: 18-00-02
- A/C: 05673658